Ternary Search

It is a divide-and-conquer algorithm, similar to binary search, only that we divide the array in three parts using mid1 and mid2, and the array should be sorted.

Problem Statement

Given an array arr[] of n elements in sorted order, write a function to search a given element x in arr[].(Array indexing 0-based, i.e, [0,1,...,n-1] where n is the size of the array). If x is not present in the array return -1.


Let the given array be

1    |    2    |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6    |    7    |    8    |    9    |    10

and the value to be searched be   x = 6

First determine the left and right ends of the array

left = 0, right = 9 [n(size of array) - 1]

Thus, mid1 = left + ( right - left ) / 3, and

mid2 = mid1 + ( right - left ) / 3

left                         mid1                         mid2                          right

\/                               \/                                \/                                 \/

1    |    2    |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6    |    7    |    8    |    9    |    10

As, x > arr[mid1] and x < arr[mid2]

left = mid1 (4),

right = mid2 (7),

mid1 = 5,

mid2 = 6

                                left   mid1   mid2   right                                   

                                  \/         \/        \/         \/                                             

1    |    2    |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6    |    7    |    8    |    9    |    10

We see, arr[mid2] = x. Thus, required pos = mid2.

int ternarySearch(int arr[], int n,int l,int r int x){
    if(right > left){
        int mid1 = left + (right - left) / 3;
        int mid2 = mid1 + (right - left) / 3;
        // check if x is found
        if(arr[mid1] == x){
            retrun mid1;
        if(arr[mid2] == x){
            retrun mid2;
        if(x < arr[mid1]){
            // x lies between l and mid1
            return ternarySearch(arr, n, l, mid1-1, x);
        else if(x > arr[mid2]){
            // x lies between mid2 nad r
            retrun ternarySearch(arr, n, mid2+1, r, x);
            // x lies between mid1 and mid2
            return ternarySearch(arr, n, mid1+1, mid2-1, x);
    // x not found
    return -1;

Time Complexity

Ternary Search is faster than Binary Search, as it also works in logarithamic complexity but the base is 3, O(log3n). But it is not as widely used as binary search.

As we keep dividing the array to one-third it's current size at each iteration, thus the size of the array decreases logarithmically.

At 1st iteration

length = n

At 2nd iteration

length = \( \frac{x}{3} \)

At 3rd iteration

length = \(\frac{x}{3}*\frac{1}{3} = \frac{x}{9}\)

. . .

At k-th iteration

length = \( \frac{n}{3^{k-1}} \)

So, maximum number of interations will be \( \log_3{n} \)

Practice Problem

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