Lowest Common Ancestor

Given a rooted tree \(T\) of \(n\) nodes. The ancestors of a \(node\ u\) are all the nodes in the path from \(node\ u\) to \(root\) (excluding \(u\)). Now Let's see how we can find \(LCA\) of two \(node\ u\) and \(v\).

Algorithm \(1\) : \(O(n)\)

climb up from the deeper \(node\) such that \(depth[u] == depth[v]\).
Now climb up from both the node until \(u == v\).

Implementation :

int LCA(int u, int v){
    if(depth[u] > depth[v])
        swap(u, v);
    int h = depth[v] - depth[u];
    for(int i = 0; i < h; i++) // lifting v up to the same level as u
        v = parent[v];
    while(u != v){ // climbing up egde by egde from u and v
        u = parent[u];
        v = parent[v];
    return u;

Here, as we are climbing edge by egde, hence in worst case it will take \(O(n)\) time to compute LCA.

Algorithm \(2\) : \(O(logn)\)

Instead of climbing edge by edge, we can make higher jumps from the node : say, from \(node\ u\) to \(2^i\) distant ancestor of \(u\). We need to precompute \(ancestor[n][k]\) : such that, \(ancestor[i][j]\) will store \(2^j\) distant ancestor of \(node\ i\).

\(n\) = no. of nodes if \(2^k > n\), then we jump off the tree. Hence \( k = 1 + log_2(n) \)

We know, \(2^j = 2^{j-1} + 2^{j-1}\) therefore, \(ancestor[i][j] = ancestor[\ ancestor[i][j-1]\ ][j-1]\) Note : \(parent[root] = -1\); \(ancestor[i][0]\) is simply the parent of \(node\ i\).

// Computing ancestor table
int k = 1 + log2(n);
vector<vector<int>> ancestor(n+1, vector<int> (k));

for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
    ancestor[i][0] = parent[i];

for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
    for(int j = 1; j < k; j++){
        if(ancestor[i][j-1] != -1) // we didn't jump off the tree
            ancestor[i][j] = ancestor[ ancestor[i][j-1] ][j-1]
            ancestor[i][j] = -1

Binary Lifting :

Now say, we need to make a jump of height \(h = 45\) from a \(node\ u\). \(h = 45 = (101101)_2 = (2^5 + 2^3 + 2^2 + 2^0) jumps\).
we can implement this jump as following :

int jump(int u, int h){
    for(int i = 0; h && u != -1;i++){
        if(h & 1)
            u = ancestor[u][i];
        h = h >> 1;
    return u;

Computing LCA :

Using the \(Binary\ Lifting\) technique, make jump of a \(height = depth[v] - depth[u]\) from the deeper \(node\ v\).

if \(u == v\) already then \(return\ u\).

from \(node\ u\) and \(node\ v\), make jump as high as possible such that \(ancestor[u][jump]\ != ancestor[v][jump]\), then eventually we will reach a node, \(parent[u] = parent[v] = LCA(u, v)\)

thus \(return\ parent[u]\).

Implementation :

int LCA(int u, int v){
    if(depth[u] > depth[v])
        swap(u, v);
    v = jump(v, depth[v] - depth[u]);
    if(u == v)
        return u;
    int h = 1 + log2(depth[u]);
    for(int i = h-1; i >= 0; i--){
        if(ancestor[u][i] != -1 && ancestor[u][i] != ancestor[v][i]){
            u = ancestor[u][i];
            v = ancestor[v][i];
    return parent[u];

